Resources & Training

This page contains resources and training materials to support OpenRiskNet users in getting familiar with the services and tools available in the e-infrastructure. On top of tutorials and video demonstrations, you will also find information on our publications (e.g. peer-review articles, presentations, posters) that may help you further in learning about OpenRiskNet concepts and implementations.

Report of the Service Integration with OpenRiskNet (Intermediate Report) (Deliverable 4.2)
18 Mar 2019
This report describes the status of the service integration including numbers of active services provided by the consortium, associated partners and other third parties. The work described in this report addresses all areas and tasks of WP4 (i.e. Toxicology, Chemical Properties and Bioassay Databases, Omics Databases, Knowledge Bases and Data Mining, Ontology Services, Processing and Analysis, Predictive Toxicology, Workflows, Visualisation and Reporting). Due to their importance for service integration, we also reference to work performed in WP1 on case studies and in WP2 on e-infrastructure interoperability and deployment.

Publisher: OpenRiskNet
Target audience: Risk assessors, Researchers, Students, Developers, Data managers, Data owners, Nanosafety community, OpenRiskNet stakeholders, Regulators, Data modellers, Bioinformaticians, Software developers, Data providers
Organisations involved: EwC, JGU, UM, UoB, NTUA, Fraunhofer, VU, IM
OpenRiskNet, an open e-infrastructure to support data sharing, knowledge integration and in silico analysis and modelling in risk assessment
Thomas Exner, Joh Dokler, Daniel Bachler, Lucian Farcal, Chris Evelo, Egon Willighagen, Danyel Jennen, Marc Jacobs, Philip Doganis, Haralambos Sarimveis, Iseult Lynch, Georgios Gkoutos, Stefan Kramer, Cedric Notredame, Ola Spjuth, Paul Jennings, Tim Dudgeon, Frederic Bois, Barry Hardy
10 Oct 2018
OpenRiskNet ( is an EU funded infrastructure project with the main objective to develop an open e-infrastructure providing resources and services to a variety of industries requiring risk assessment, including chemicals, cosmetic ingredients, drugs and nanomaterials. The OpenRiskNet approach is to work on different case studies to test and evaluate requirements to overcome the fragmentation of data and tools and to provide solutions improving the harmonization of data, usability and interoperability of application programming interfaces (APIs) and the deployment into virtual infrastructure. The cases present real-world settings such as systems biology approaches for grouping compounds, read-across applications using chemical and biological similarity, and identifying areas of concern based only on alternative methods approaches. We discuss our progress on the OpenRiskNet goal of harmonizing data and metadata within APIs that can be added to already existing analysis and modeling services and data warehouses. We also demonstrate how these APIs can easily be used towards the generation of full risk assessment workflows either using scripting languages or workflow managers. Finally, we show the first approaches to make these APIs semantically rich by annotating data with human- and computer-readable data schemata. OpenRiskNet has initiated the Associated Partners Programme strengthening the working ties between the OpenRiskNet members and other organizations within the scientific community.
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Published in: Toxicology Letters
Publisher: Elsevier
Target audience: Risk assessors, Researchers, Students, OpenRiskNet stakeholders, Regulators, Data modellers, Bioinformaticians
Organisations involved: EwC, JGU, CRG, UM, UoB, NTUA, Fraunhofer, UU, VU, IM, INERIS
OpenRiskNet, an open e-infrastructure to support data sharing, knowledge integration and in silico analysis and modelling in risk assessment
Exner T, Dokler J, Bachler D, Farcal L, Evelo C, Willighagen E, Jacobs M, Doganis P, Sarimveis H, Lynch I, Kramer S, Notredame C, Jennen D, Gkoutos G, Spjuth S, Jennings P, Dudgeon T, Bois F, Hardy B
12 Mar 2018
OpenRiskNet ( is an EU funded infrastructure project with the main objective to develop an open e-infrastructure providing resources and services to a variety of industries requiring risk assessment, including chemicals, cosmetic ingredients, drugs and nanomaterials. The OpenRiskNet approach is to work on different case studies to test and evaluate requirements to overcome the fragmentation of data and tools and to provide solutions improving the harmonization of data, usability and interoperability of application programming interfaces (APIs) and the deployment into virtual infrastructure. The cases present real-world settings such as systems biology approaches for grouping compounds, read-across applications using chemical and biological similarity, and identifying areas of concern based only on alternative methods approaches.

Publisher: Society of Toxicology (SOT)
Target audience: Risk assessors, Researchers, Regulators, Data modellers
Open access: yes
Licence: Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Organisations involved: EwC, JGU, CRG, UM, UoB, NTUA, Fraunhofer, UU, VU, IM, INERIS