Associated Partner Programme
To ensure the usability of the infrastructure, alignment with the community as well as to pursue complete coverage of important tools, OpenRiskNet works with a network of partners, organized in the Associated Partners Programme. It was officially launched at the OpenTox Euro 2017 conference.
The Programme aims at strengthening the working ties between the OpenRiskNet Consortium members and other organisations within relevant scientific and technology communities. Any organisation such as a university, institute, consortium, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), as well as small and medium enterprises (SMEs) or large commercial companies can become an Associate Partner of OpenRiskNet. We expect to have different types of users: 1) service providers, which would like to integrate their databases and software tools into the OpenRiskNet infrastructure, 2) early adopters, who will use the infrastructure for their predictive toxicology and risk assessment tasks, and 3) technology partners, which develop services and tools on which the OpenRiskNet e-infrastructure will be based.
Benefits for associated partners
Service providers: greater visibility of their tools by being listed in the OpenRiskNet discovery service, infinite additional features by combining with other tools, support for emerging techniques like API development and containerization/deployment
Early adopters: easy access to a increasing number of tools using their preferred access route (web, workflow tools like knime, scripts) without the need of manually downloading of data and file conversion when moving from one tool to another, harmonized access for comparison of different approaches.
Technology partners: getting feedback on usability of the services and tools, seeing them in a real-world application and being able to use the success story for marketing.
Additional information on how to become an Associated Partner to OpenRiskNet are available in the Guidelines of the OpenRiskNet Associated Partner Programme. To be able to share all information and include you directly in the design process of OpenRiskNet, we would like to ask you to sign a short agreement with us (service providers and early adopters, technology partners are treated in a more informal way, which is also possible for the other types of partners but with a delay of information transfer). If you are interested please contact
Implementation Challenge
Besides being able to actively contribute to the design of the e-infrastructure and having access to a premium support for usage of the services, associated partners can participate in the Implementation Challenge. In this challenge, external tools, especially in areas of risk assessment not completely covered by the OpenRiskNet consortium will be selected for prioritized integration partial financially and strongly technically supported by researchers of OpenRiskNet partners. The scientific advisory board will work together with the coordinator and the WP leaders to prioritize the proposed services and select the winning groups. Everyone can apply for this challenge (with the exception of members of the OpenRiskNet consortium) and if the corresponding tool is selected, the winner is asked to become an associated partner.
OpenRiskNet Requirements Analysis
We are also inviting any interested party in the Associated Partners Programme to fill in a Requirements Analysis survey, investigating the needs of end user and developers for the knowledge e-infrastructure for risk assessment. This would be an excellent starting point to include your requirements and follow-up with you with more specific discussions on how to best support you e.g. for getting additional tools into the system.
List of associated partners
Service providers
Leiden University, on behalf of European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD)
Early adopters
Technology partners
Dr. Thomas Exner
Chief Scientific Officer at Edelweiss Connect GmbH