OpenRiskNet Kick-off Meeting
We kicked off the project with a meeting at the Technology Park in Basel on 15th and 16th December with scientific presentations and planning sessions for the different work packages. “WP1: Requirement Analysis, Outreach and Case Studies“, “WP2: Interoperability, Deployment and Security”, “WP3: Training, Support, Dissemination” and “WP4: Service Integration”.
In these discussions it became clear that all partners agree that the only success criterion is the adoption of the infrastructure by the toxicology community. This can only be reached by integrating as many services as possible in the most accessible way and not by limiting it to the services developed by the partners. Additionally, usability testing by external users is needed during the complete development cycle. Therefore, if you are interested in providing your tool and make it interoperable with other state-of-the-art databases and analysis, modeling and visualization services or if you would like to become an early user of the infrastructure please contact us regarding the OpenRiskNet associated partner programme.