Open e-Infrastructure to Support Data Sharing, Knowledge Integration and in silico Analysis and Modelling in Predictive Toxicology and Risk Assessment

OpenRiskNet is a 3 year project with the main objective to develop an open e-Infrastructure providing resources and services to a variety of communities requiring risk assessment, including chemicals, cosmetic ingredients, therapeutic agents and nanomaterials. OpenRiskNet is working with a network of partners, organized within an Associated Partners Programme.

The e-Infrastructure

The main concept of the OpenRiskNet infrastructure are virtual research environments (VRE) integrating data, analysis, modelling and simulation services for all areas of risk assessment, which can be deployed to workstations as well as public and in-house cloud infrastructures.

Try it out

Feel free to test out one or multiple of the available services.

The Service Catalogue →

  • To get familiar with the OpenRiskNet concept, consult our case studies.
  • Try our workflows that can be directly applied or used as examples for further adaptations.

Tutorials and feedback

  • Webinars – Watch the recordings of the webinars introducing the infrastructure.
  • Help desk – Report issues, give feedback and browse our knowledge base.

You will need to login to access some of the services. Please check the login instructions, terms of use and privacy policy for details.

Resources for end-users

For scientists and members of academia, industry or regulatory agencies who would like to use the infrastructure for their predictive toxicology and risk assessment tasks.

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Resources for developers

For service developers, infrastructure providers or data managers who would like to integrate their databases and software tools into the OpenRiskNet infrastructure.

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OpenRiskNet Services

Computation research made simple and reproducible
We believe that the reason computational tools are not being utilised effectively in R&D is not because of a lack of functionality, but a lack of usability. And we don't ...

Provided by:
Informatics Matters
Database / data source, Visualisation tool, Software, Analysis tool, Service, Workflow tool
Applicability domain:
Computational modelling, Bioinformatics, Predictive toxicology
Chemical properties, Risk assessment, Structure-activity relationship (SAR / QSAR), Predictive modelling, Information extraction
For end-users
For developers
In progress
Chemical similarity using the Fragment Network
This is the same API that is behind Informatics Matters' Fragnet Search application for which more information can be found at The service deployed to OpenRiskNet is the REST ...

Provided by:
Informatics Matters Ltd
Database / data source, Service
Applicability domain:
Computational modelling, Toxicology, Predictive toxicology
Chemical properties, Structure-activity relationship (SAR / QSAR), Predictive modelling
For end-users
For developers
Processed data (counts and fold changes) based on the transcriptomics data provided by Open TG-GATEs and DrugMatrix
Processed data was generated using a standard workflow. The CEL files have been normalized using the single-channel array normalization function of the SCAN.UPC library available through Bioconductor. Normalized intensities have ...

Provided by:
Edelweiss Connect GmbH
Database / data source
Applicability domain:
Toxicology, Bioinformatics
Risk assessment, Information extraction
Biological area:
Transcriptomics, Omics
For end-users
For developers
ToxCast and Tox21 datasets (raw and summary) extracted from the MySQL database provided by US EPA
The dataset as provided by US EPA were transformed and are now available in the EdelweissData system for easy access via APIs. The most current version is 3.2. Data of ...

Provided by:
Edelweiss Connect GmbH
Database / data source
Applicability domain:
Computational modelling, Toxicology, Predictive toxicology
Bioassay, Risk assessment, Information extraction
Biological area:
For end-users
For developers
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News & events

Implementation Challenge

The implementation challenge provided financial support to associated partners, which are working on integrating their services into OpenRiskNet.

The winners of the challenge are announced on the dedicated page.

Introduction and demo virtual meetings

A series of introduction and demo virtual meetings were organised by the consortium. The video recordings of these webinars and the presentation slides are available in the OpenRiskNet library. The complete list events are announced on the website.

Meet us

Meet us in person at one of these upcoming conferences and other events. Details on the past events and the resources generated are also available.

A final workshop was organised on 23-24 October 2019 (Amsterdam, The Netherlands). The details on the topics, program and materials are available on the event web page or in the workshop report.