News and Announcements
OpenRiskNet Story on EURESEARCH
OpenRiskNet as EU Research Success Story: “Our world is awash with chemicals, many of which still need risk and safety testing. The Horizon 2020 project OpenRiskNet aims to provide a global infrastructure and network to integrate and harmonise data from experiments and computer models of toxicology…”. Read the full article and watch the video on EURESEARCH website.
OpenRiskNet at OpenTox USA
The OpenRiskNet concepts of harmonized APIs and the semantic interoperability layer will be presented at the OpenTox USA 2017 conference, 12-13 July 2017 at the Searle Conference Center, Duke University. The talk given by Thomas Exner will have the title “Semantic Interoperability of Public Available Data”.
Nextflow Workshop
The OpenRiskNet partner CRG is organizing the workshop Nextflow: Reproducible In Silico Genomics, 14-15 October 2017, CRG – Centre for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona with contributions by Jordi Rambla and Tim Dudgeon.
OpenRiskNet Kick-off Meeting
We kicked off the project with a meeting at the Technology Park in Basel on 15th and 16th December with scientific presentations and planning sessions for the different work packages. “WP1: Requirement Analysis, Outreach and Case Studies“, “WP2: Interoperability, Deployment and Security”, “WP3: Training, Support, Dissemination” and “WP4: Service Integration”.